
I see how a lot of things combine 

to change your view 

on what everything’s supposed to even mean. 

But that’s the way our best selves move closer 

to what we feel more greatly

when the tide comes in 

and it becomes more about what you can do

with what you have now 

and all the satisfaction that could bring. 

And it’s just like you could feel the pulse 

of the one who wants to connect— 

which brings electricity 

to the days that make up your journey.

Also move forward

A lot of times it comes down 

to the beautiful things you create in the meantime.

So you prompt everything you can

to awaken what your next move’s going to be

and you express a lot 

about what you think thru

and that helps you outline 

what matters and what doesn’t.

And then it’s like you’re dazzled 

because you reach a new stage 

and it sinks in how you got there 

and you want to hold on to this moment 

but also move forward.

Neutral backdrops

From time to time

the scraps of your dawn to dusk can 

emerge from neutral backdrops in sharper colour.

And as days go by

you hold that in mind with a new lens 

as features of the view bring texture.


There’s always those moments 

where it comes to the surface for you 

in ways you can’t deny.

And you assign that more value now 

than you would have in the past.

And you allow these times to flourish.


I often bring my thoughts 

to where the time can feel more whole.

Where I can start to say 

that all your gems might be more immediate.

Because things are so much smoother 

when the harmony between us tracks,

and I link all of these patchworks

to illicit something more.

Because something feels authentic in this space we carve together;

Something like a gem before it ever turns to stone.

(Image: created with autodraw for web)

Some other day

There’s a lot I like to see when the sun comes up 

and we turn face to face with a smile. 

And there’s a lot I like to see when the fog goes away 

and there’s daylight where you walk and we’re seen. 

And I see the ways on many days 

how you factor in so greatly 

to what I reflect on.

(image via coolors.co for web)